Accreditation and Recognition
Professional credentials in data science signal to employers your
ability to operate at a high professional standard.
ability to operate at a high professional standard.
Academic Accreditation
The Data Science Institute is accredited by Qualifi, a UK-regulated awarding body that is internationally recognised. The Qualifi Level 7 Postgraduate Diploma in Data Science enables learners to gain skills in maths, statistics, and programming in R, Python, and SQL.
The Data Science Institute is a member college of Woolf, a fully accredited higher education institution within the European Union.
The Data Science Institute is a member college of Woolf, a fully accredited higher education institution within the European Union.
The Data Science Institute’s diploma and degree programmes are peer-reviewed and meet the same standards of scholarly excellence. They undergo a quality assurance process based on the European Standards Guidance. Credits are issued under the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), the largest and most sophisticated accreditation system in the world. ECTS credits are globally recognized and transferable.
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Advisory Council
Our advisory council consists of both experienced data science academics and industry professionals who work with leading international institutions and companies across a wide range of economic sectors, including pharmaceuticals, banking and finance, insurance, public health, management consulting, and digital marketing.
Effective data science requires both academic and scientific thinking as well as an understanding of real-world business and social challenges. The advisory council’s role at the Data Science Institute is to ensure that our courses and certifications, in addition to meeting rigorous academic standards, are relevant to practical industry needs.

Edison: The European Data Science Framework
Our assessments and certification exams are guided by the Edison European Data Science Framework's Body of Knowledge (DS-BoK). The Edison framework is an EU-funded initiative designed to establish the data science profession, with contributors from universities, businesses, and the government sector.
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About the Data Science Institute
Accreditation and Recognition
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Waterfront Square, 1 Horgan's Quay,, Cork, T23 PPT8
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